Rodan+Fields Dermatologists, IC
HomeBasedBusinessBuilder/Anti-Age Specialist
Trish Ackermann
Owner/CEO Faces by Trish
(615) 477.1230 verizon cell
A Career or Great Skin...starts here:
My R+F Blog~get to know me here
My R+F Product Store
My R+F Business
I'm a former sales manager/trainer with the Clinique brand in NY and a wife and mom who jumped at the opportunity to the ride the coat-tails of the dermatologist who created ProActiv and they set out to change the face of skincare and lives with their signature line of products, Rodan + Fields Dermatology.
My goals were to find a new, creative option in which I could still mold my schedule around my kids, and still have time to volunteer at school and in my community. I have been profoundly blessed to find more than I was looking for with this business model and compensation plan!
Now, what about YOUR STORY? Aren't you tired of working for someone else and allowing them to control your destiny? Where does the boss send you on vacation? Home. Where do you go from there? Can't you just picture yourself having massage under a cool cabana overlooking the ocean....or luxuriating in an infinity pool.....creating lasting memories with your partner and your children? Do you want to be in control of your own life or are you going to leave that in the hands of virtual strangers? You ready to make a change for the better? If you answered "yes" to any of the above, you owe it to yourself to look deeper into your soul and tell yourself "Yes, I want all that and more". Well, I'm here to help you achieve those dreams and to make a living.....living. Let's make this happen together...don't let another day go by without at least checking this out!Call me~615.477.1230~after you watch this video!
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