–Bob Dylan The world has changed. Almost everything you buy or sell is in whole or in part produced for less in Asia, India or South America. Job security are now the people who escort you out after you’ve emptied your desk. Wages are flat. Loyal employees are discarded like razor blades. Market volatility is a permanent condition. 401Ks are languishing. Residential real estate is underwater. Energy costs are skyrocketing. State and local governments are slashing budgets. Our nation owes $14 trillion! With or without an agreement to raise the debt ceiling most economists believe a downgrade in the US credit rating is inevitable. The times they are a-changin’. If you want to provide for your family, take control of your life, build wealth and free yourself from the angst and worry of an uncertain world you have to make changes, too. I am a network marketing professional with Rodan + Fields Dermatologists. I am building an asset that insulates my family from geopolitical forces wreaking havoc on the American economy and American families. The business I’m building helps others do the same. Look around. If you accept that the world has changed and are ready to consider a serious business that can make a difference in your life and the lives of others then I have information you want. Call me today at 615.477.1230 No pressure. No commitment. Just information. What you do with it is entirely up to you. |
Rodan+Fields Dermatologists
Anti-Age Specialist
Trish Ackermann
Grateful for your referrals, they are the cornerstone of my business!
I've partnered with the doctors who created Proactiv on their new business venture.
We are committed to owning the $2.5 billion Anti-Aging market with our new AMP MD.
http://www.linkedin.com/in/trishackermann (615) 477.1230 verizon cell
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