Monday, February 28, 2011
Time-Sensitive Information
Friday, February 25, 2011
Do you remember how to Dream...Big!
Working full-time for a paycheck with nothing left over to dream about?
If you are willing to invest a minimum of 10 hours per week to build a 6-figure income in 2011, I am here to show you how to do it!
This is NOT A GET RICH QUICK opportunity! I am NOT in the convincing business, this in NOT for everyone!
It will require you to meet and talk to people! It will require an initial investment ~ up to $1000 and a commitment of ~ $130/month for your two state of the art websites and your full back office that will manage your business and replenishment of personal use products or retail sales. Success will require you to get out of your comfort zone! But, my team will have your back with training and coaching!
Currently conducting interviews to see if this is a good fit for you.
Send your resume to for consideration.
Dial In 24/7 For the Business Opportunity Replays
605-475-4009, Access Code: 644240 #
(wait, reference is the # key)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
AMP MD featured in March Allure
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
New York is exploding...New England is following...Now is the time...
Decide to educate yourself on the merits of entrepreneurship and the freedom it can give you...the freedom of time and finance!
My colleague Prudy Ferrone shares her recent success and compares our pay plan to others!
"Another STANDING ROOM ONLY LAST NIGHT in Huntington Long Island for the RODAN and FIELDS business opportunity...Special Thanks to my Keynote Speakers Peter DelPre ( Hit the top of the pay plan in 2 months) and Sue Ann Caruso with 7 guest and is on her way to the TOP of the pay-plan..Never saw anything Like this in 20 years of Direct Marketing...Congratulations! Another STANDING ROOM ONLY LAST NIGHT in Huntington Long Island for the RODAN and FIELDS business opportunity.....Special Thanks to my Keynote Speakers Peter DelPre ( Hit the top of the pay plan in 2 months) and Sue Ann Caruso with 7 guest and is on her way to the TOP of the pay plan....Never saw anything Like this in 20 years of Direct Marketing.......Congratulations!!"
"In the former direct selling company that I was in for 20 years!!! It took 6 years to HIT THE TOP of the pay plan...Its being done in this company all over the country in less than 2 month...Perhaps the fact that you are partnering with an Established Brand and the two most famous Dermatologist that CREATED PROACTIV...Now they are doing it all over again but this time in the ANTI AGING MARKET and they are giving us a piece of the pie...something to think about ?" Prudy Ferrone
Message me to learn more, today!Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Why I Chose Rodan & Fields Dermatologists
Monday, February 14, 2011
Important Dates to Remember
With Christie Waechter and Jessica Johnson
Thursday February 17th
Salem Hawthorne Hotel
Salem, MA
Consultants $20, guests free
Registration is at 6:30 meeting starts at 7.
snacks and coffee will be on hand
The Bay Area Project
San Francisco, CA
Friday, February 18, 2011 - Business Presentation
Where: Grand Hyatt San Francisco
345 Stockton Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone: (415) 398-1234
Registration: 6:30 p.m.
Business Presentation: 7 p.m.
Click here for the flyer
Saturday, February 19, 2011 - Business Training
Where: Grand Hyatt San Francisco
345 Stockton Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone: (415) 398-1234
Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Business Training: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Suggested Parking: $18 White House Garage, 223 Sutter Street (@Grant) if in before 10:30 a.m.
Click here for the flyer
The Denver Project
Denver, CO with Lori Bush, President and General Manager
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - Business Presentation and Training
Where: Denver Marriott West
1717 Denver West Blvd.
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: (303) 279-9100
Registration: 6 p.m.
Business Presentation: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Business Training: 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Click here for the flyer
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - Business Training
Where: Denver Marriott West
1717 Denver West Blvd.
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: (303) 279-9100
Registration: 5:30 p.m.
Business Training: 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Flyer coming soon ...
Chicago, IL with Christian Diaz, Vice President of Field Relations
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Where: Doubletree Hotel O'Hare
5460 North River Road
Rosemont, IL 60018
Phone: (847) 292-9100Registration: 8:30 a.m.
Business Training and Seminar: 9 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Consultant Fee: $ 15
Click here for the flyer
Franklin, TN with Christian Diaz, Vice President of Field Relations
Monday, February 21, 2011
Where: Franklin Marriott Cool Springs
700 Cool Springs Blvd.
Franklin, TN 37067
Phone: (615) 261-6100
Registration: 5:30 p.m.
Training: 6 p.m.
Business Presentation: 7 p.m.
Consultant Fee: $ 5
Click here for the flyer
The Texas Project
Dallas, TX with Lori Bush, President and General Manager and Bobbie Silva, Regional Sales DirectorFriday, February 25, 201
Where: Dallas/ Addison Marriott Quorum by the Galleria
14901 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75254
Phone: (972) 661-2800
Registration: 6:30 p.m.
Business Presentation: 7 p.m.
Consultant Fee: $5
Guests: Free
Flyer coming soon ...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Where: Dallas/ Addison Marriott Quorum by the Galleria
14901 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75254
Phone: (972) 661-2800
Registration: 9 a.m.
Critical Practices Session 2: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Compensation Success Academy: 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Consultant Fee: $10
Flyer coming soon ...
Mobile, AL with Lori Bush, President and General Manager and Bobbie Silva, Regional Sales Director
Saturday, February 28, 2011
Prescription for Change Foundation Fundraiser & Business Presentation
Where: The Temple
351 St. Francis Street
Mobile, AL 36602 (Downtown Mobile)
Phone: (251) 433-7920
Doors open: 6 p.m.
Silent Auction Begins: 6:15 p.m.
Business Presentation: 7 p.m.
For more information, please contact Rachel,
$10 Donation at the door; you will receive two raffle tickets per donation. Proceeds go to The Salvation Army "Center for Women and Children" Live band "Isling" will play after the presentation. Donation items will be taken at the door.
Save the date ...
Danville, CA with Lori Bush, President and General Manager
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
More details to come ...
Denver, CO with Amnon Rodan, Chairman
Thursday, March 3, 2011
More details to come ...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
From the American Academy of Dermatology Assoc.
Troubled skin is the spark that encourages Drs. Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields to continue their quest to find the right ingredients, using the right technology, in the highest level amounts required to get the BEST results for their consumers! Read this article and learn why thier passion has become mine!
And, then let me tell you about WHY, I am beyond excited to be partnered with them during this time and to be prospering with them! The R+F Short Story ~
I'm a former sales manager rep/wife/mom who jumped at the opportunity with Rodan + Fields. My goals were to find a new, creative option in which I could still mold my schedule around my kids, and still have time to volunteer at school and in my community.It is my goal to make it to the top of Rodan + Fields pay plan this year and give my husband the opportunity to retire from his 25 years of Corporate America! The best part is I am creating my own economic recovery, but helping others to do the same is the best reward there is...Join me...Today!
Here's to 2011!
Dial In 24/7 For the Business Opportunity Replays
605-475-4009, Access Code: 644240 #
(wait, reference is the # key)
Stop Workplace Drama
Visit her site and read these question for yourself!
Eleven Questions to Ask in 2011 | Stop Workplace Drama
It has been said, if you want a better result, ask a better question. What questions are you asking yourself in this New Year? If your questions are not getting you the results you desire, here are eleven questions you can ask yourself!
I have found that working in the business I am in has taken the drama out of my life, I am happy to say! Do yourself a favor and just open you mind, imagine the possibilities that your own business could provide for you. Then lets talk about our business model!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Start your own economic recovery... by investing in yourself Today!
Business Building Kit Option

This kit, valued at over $1,800, is designed for the serious business builder. Features a regimen of choice for personal use, all four of our Multi-Med® Therapy Regimens, two AMP MD™ Maximum Delivery Systems along with a wide range of our top selling products, and critical marketing materials. Our RFx Express Kit has everything you need to begin building your Rodan + Fields business quickly and help others do the same. You also receive a business portfolio and free two-day air shipping.

Big Business Launch Kit—$695
This kit, valued at over $1,300, is designed to support our BBL duplication model. Featuring a regimen of your choice, all four of our core Multi-Med Therapy Regimens and two AMP MD Maximum Delivery Systems along with critical marketing materials, our BBL Kit has everything you need to successfully launch your Rodan + Fields business. You also receive a business portfolio and free two-day air shipping.

Personal Results Kit—$395
This kit, valued at over $500, includes a Multi-Med Therapy regimen of your choice, our top-selling ANTI-AGE Regimen and several of our best-selling products. You also receive a business portfolio and free two-day air shipping.
Go to my website to learn how to AMP UP YOUR EARNINGS and recoup your entire investment your first month out of the gate!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Pondering the question...
So what do you do next? Choose to partner with a person you trust and like, because you will be spending a lot of time with them then...listen and hear what is on the table...Proven Product, Positioning in a major market segment (Anti-Aging), Timing to be one of the first in your area! My team is creating success stories not only for ourselves, but for our visionary colleagues across the country. I'm offering my leadership skills to coach new teammates and their teams, to duplicate our proven success.
Isn't it worth TEN MINUTES to learn how you can have the life you've imagined by combining your best skills with a unique business opportunity? This month I'm looking for 4 who are ready to stop imagining and make things happen. Watch this video ~ message me!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
President Bush's end of the year 2010 letter
Great companies do not and, according to Jim Collins, should not try to be all things to all people. Rather, great companies can attribute their success to one big thing. (Collins refers to this as the hedgehog concept because the hedgehog has few impressive attributes except for one; when under attack, it can roll up into a perfect little ball of sharp spikes and thus generally prevail in the face of danger.) For companies, the one big thing happens at the intersection of three components: what you are deeply passionate about, what you can be the best in the world at, and what drives your economic engine. It's been suggested that it generally takes a company four or more years to really get to that level of introspection. I think we've nailed it in less than three ...
What are we deeply passionate about: changing lives by redefining independent business ownership
What we can be the best in the world at: skincare!
What drives our economic engine: Average Executive Group / Personal Team Volume (1200 CV or more indicates that there is the duplication and leverage that leads to sustainable income). In 2010, we worked with our R+F field leaders to develop and refine a new business opportunity presentation to help communicate the power of the Rodan + Fields products and brand in helping our independent business owners capture a significant share in the highly lucrative anti-aging skincare market... Most importantly, we introduced new skincare products that are allowing our independent business owners to enjoy a bigger slice of the skincare market. AMP MD, as a component of the all new Anti-Age regimen, is creating outstanding results and new possibilities in skincare, attracting new customers and new Consultants alike. Greater customer acquisition, higher average orders, greater customer loyalty and more recruits add up to significantly increased Personal Team Volume. A Culture of Discipline
The beauty of independent business ownership is that you are your own boss ... you control your hours, where you conduct business, who you choose as your team. However, there are critical practices that lead to success and as much as differentiation in our product and brand help our business, resisting these tried and true principles in how to engage and duplicate can derail even the most committed of Consultants. That's why we introduced the MBA program for our top leaders and implemented our market-based test, "The Atlanta Project," to drill critical practices into the field. The test results are in and they are good ... very good. So in 2011, we will be introducing these disciplines into more markets across the country and rolling out tools that will accelerate their adoption by your new recruits. Technology Accelerators
Great companies have identified opportunities to leverage technology as an accelerator of momentum ... not the creator of it. That's why we've been hard at work in 2010 to streamline the Pulse Business Management Suite to enhance the user experience and improve the reports that are available to you. Rodan + Fields won two of six prestigious awards at the
100th Direct Selling Association Gala - The Rising Star and
the Excellence in Sales Force Development in June 2010.So, my friends, it appears my year-end message has become a mini business book of its own. So I'll end with this: I'm inspired by the greatness I have seen emerge among our independent business owners. You have made us worthy of the awards and the recognition that have been bestowed upon our young company. On behalf of Dr. Rodan, Dr. Fields, Amnon and the entire Rodan + Fields company team, I applaud you and look forward to celebrating more greatness in the new year. Here's to your success and to great skin! Kind regards, Lori Bush" LISTEN TO OUR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CALL
(712) 432-1011 access code 470426568# and join my top producing team.
Achieve financial freedom in 2011!*Disclaimer: Earnings depend on a number of factors, including the area in which you live and your individual effort. Success with Rodan + Fields results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Age-O-Meter...try it today!
Offer your friends a trip into the future with the Age-O-Meter, Rodan + Fields' new facebook app. This new tool uses age progression software to show users what they might look like in 30 years. As evidenced below, the picture isn't pretty. Don't get mad, I have the solution for it, too!
volunteer at school and in my community.
It is my goal to make it to the top of Rodan + Fields pay plan this year and give my husband the opportunity
to retire from his 25 years of Corporate America!
The best part is I am creating my own economic recovery, but helping others to do the same is the best reward there is...
Join me...Today!
Here's to 2011!