| AMP MD Finalist in Allure Readers' Choice Breakthroughs - Action Required Derm RF | December 15, 2010 at 2:40 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/pMnJi-ge |
Hot off the press ... AMP MD has been selected as a finalist in the Allure Readers' Choice Breakthroughs. Making the "short list" is an honor in and of itself and winning would further position Rodan + Fields' as THE leader in anti-aging skincare. This is a people's choice award so working together we can help AMP MD come out on top. Voting is open to everyone and takes less than 2 minutes. Follow these simple steps:
- Click here
- Enter the required information at the bottom of the page and click "Continue."
- Then vote for Rodan + Fields ANTI-AGE AMP MP System in the Skin Care category. We encourage you to vote for non-competitive categories as well (i.e., hair care and nail products).
Vote now and help us secure this coveted honor for the best spent minute in skincare.
| Myth Busters Derm RF | December 15, 2010 at 1:27 am | Categories: Myth Busters | URL: http://wp.me/pMnJi-gb |
Myth Busters
All stress is “bad”
Very few people would classify positive life changes, such as a job promotion, new baby or a wedding as stressful. However, even these exciting life events can become sources of stress in the form of added responsibility and pressure. Unfortunately, whether good or bad, stress shows up the same unwanted way – on your face. So take control of the stress in your life, both good and bad, and relax. Here are some methods that work for us:
- Find time each day for breathing exercises. Inhale to a slow count of 10, then exhale to an equally slow count of 10. Practice this daily and then, when a stressful situation arises, breathe.
- Meditate or practice self-hypnosis.
- Exercise, go for a walk or practice yoga.
- Stop worrying. If there is a problem, make sure you have all the facts, make a plan of attack and act on the plan immediately.
- Soak in a hot tub – but not too hot.
- Get a massage.
- Take a vacation.
- Get a full night’s sleep.
- If your levels of stress seem overwhelming, seek help through a therapist.
Sometimes to get what we don't have - we have to do
the things we have never done.
With Rodan+Fields, you won't be alone in doing them - there is a whole team of qualified people just waiting to help you succeed.
Trade some part-time hours for a more full-time life today and
watch your skin and your life change in ways you have - up to this point - only imagined the could!!
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