Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Integrity in Business~

Is integrity important in business? Seems like a silly question, however, a subject that many really don't grasp the importance of. What does integrity mean? The Wiki answer is this: Keeping your integrity would be keeping your good name or maintaining your respectable character.

I recently observed two very well know individuals, that I had previously had a lot of respect for, have an online battle of words against each other. They were both in the same industry and had a falling out of some sort. As I observed their conduct and how they were handling their personal situation, (which should have been private) - I went from having respect for both, to being disgusted by both. They both cut each other up, throwing accusations and attempted to make themselves look like the expert and the guru. They both sent personal emails to their entire email list, and published websites cutting each other up. They looked like a pair of 2 year olds that didn't get their own way. Why is it that people think they can or should use the internet to voice their battles? It actually did the opposite for me....I lost all respect for both and now do not believe a word either of them have to say. I can't believe in someone that is teaching a topic of ethics and good business practice, (which is their claimed expertise) that is blatantly destroying a former colleagues reputation. Because of their public quarrel, they have just destroyed their own reputation. Isn't that interesting.....they were attempting to make each other look discredited, but by doing so in such an unprofessional way, they actually discredited themselves!

Integrity is something I believe every individual should develop and understand. People have a right to their own opinion and their own choices. However, it is no ones right to publicly destroy another human beings reputation because of their difference in opinion or direction. Someone of true integrity can respect differences in opinion and walk their own path without feeling a need to destroy someone else's path.

There is a rule of abundance in the universe. We live in a very abundant world...there is not a limit to success or opportunity. There is enough for everyone. We do not have to do business in a way that destructive to other people's path. It is a big world and with technology today, we truly have the opportunity to do business worldwide. Technology is a great thing, if you use it properly and not to destroy another human being.

I challenge every single business owner to really understand the importance of this concept - it doesn't matter what type of business you are in...from running an ice cream stand to an international business....find your own niche, be of service, be of integrity, open your arms wide and give everything you can to your client base - this is how you build a successful business - NOT by getting out your sword and slaying the competition, in an attempt to build your own interests! Stand on your own two feet and promote what YOU bring to the table. If you can't do that, and can only build a business by throwing rocks at the competition, it is time to take a serious look at what value you provide.

Yes, integrity in business is important....but it is a concept that we have all learned as children, if we just stop and think - treat other people like you would want to be treated!
Authored by Debbie Ruston

Posted via email from Faces by Trish's Posterous

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